Monique vs. Stephanie 1

 Dormitory Delinquents

So here's how it all started.  

Monique was my main girlfriend through most of High School.  I liked her a lot and we were good together but I was always a bit alarmed by her intense jealousy of other girls.  She would challenge ANY girl that even talked me to an after school fist fight, that she almost always won.  And this happened a lot, since there were only THREE males in our school, and about 300 females, and though I am by no means particularly handsome, I was arguably the best of the three options available so it stood to reason that girls were CONSTANTLY flirting with me, which Monique seemed to thrive on, because I think she was turned on ALMOST as much by fist fighting with other girls as she was by sex with me. 

She did lose a few fights, and from time to time I  would find myself with a brand new girl ("Traded Up" as the expression goes) but the courtships were always short lived. Within a few weeks a fully healed and ENRAGED Monique always demanded a rematch and won BRUTALLY every time, and so decidedly that the losing girl would NEVER challenge her again, if in fact she did not just disappear from our school district entirely by the next day.  

But then, there was this one time. 

It was Senior Prom. In a couple weeks we would all be graduating.  There would be one CRAZY summer (which I will describe in subsequent entries) and then many of us would be off to college.  Monique and I, still in love, had been accepted to the same college and were planning on staying together.  Monique was excited because the town we would be moving to for school had a TON of underground fighting venues that she was DYING to get into.  If you haven't figured out by now, Monique LOVED fighting, and had ambitions to become a professional fighter.  The thing is,  (and I knew this even if she didn't) she may have been a decent little scrapper in our tiny little country home town, but outside of it...well, honestly I wasn't sure. 

So, like I said before, it was Senior Prom.   My buddy Greg had surprised everyone by showing up with a SMOKING gorgeous red haired girl from someplace far away, though it was soon revealed she was in fact his cousin, and was only here to check out the scenery and visit her distant relations, (not to mention do poor Greg a favor, who couldn't even get a date to the Senior Prom in a school where women outnumbered men 300 to 1.)  So this girl, Stephanie.  Oh my God I couldn't take my eyes off her, and it seemed like she couldn't take hers off me.  Monique noticed this pretty quick and the glaring at her potential rival began.  At one point I went up to get Monique and I another glass of punch and Stephanie, by some wild coincidence, just happened to need a refresher at the same time.  She literally bumped her perfect round ass into my hip as I was reaching to fill my glass. 

"Hey there, Tiger.  Is that really your girlfriend?  You could do way better than her."  All of a sudden Monique was standing there. 

"That's my boyfriend you're talking to." 

"Oh gee I'm sorry.  He seemed way too attractive for you.  I assumed you were his sister." 

That was when they began to circle.  A crowd gathered around the punchbowl, but to begin fighting in here was guaranteed trouble so they went to the parking lot, (as was the custom) stripped down to their bras and panties (as was the custom) a crowd of kids gathered around them (as was the custom) and after a long tension filled stand off they began pummeling each other.  Monique was out cold on the pavement within 2 minutes and I rewarded Stephanie in a clearing under the full moon in the woods behind the high school.  I feel bad to admit it, but it was WAY better than any sex I had ever had with Monique. Stephanie and I laid in each other's arms in the clearing in the forest until morning, when the sunlight and the chirping birds woke us up.  It was like some kind of fantastic dream.  We celebrated her victory once more, then she kissed me in the morning glare and disappeared into it.  I napped naked for a few hours, then went home. Best. Senior. Prom. Ever.

Monique got out of the hospital about a week later.  She swiftly beat down whatever skank I had been bedding down with (I honestly can't even remember) and for the rest of the summer we....well, again that's another story.  The Senior Prom "Incident" was NEVER mentioned, and I felt it was better to just not bring it up. 

The first day of college approached fast, and before we knew it, it was move in day.  Dorms were still separated by gender, but our buildings were nearby and we figured we would be able to spend the night together pretty much all the time without much trouble. I went with her to get her room assignment. 

I couldn't believe who her assigned roommate was.  STEPHANIE!

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