In the violent world of Green Tower City, combat sports are EVERYTHING. Any girl who wants to be a fighter when she grows up typically enters into Junior Academy the year she turns 14. Here she will learn all sorts of fighting styles and techniques, and if she chooses to go into "Team Combat Sports" she will be placed in one of four Houses. These four houses are House Brunette, who all wear red bikinis, white shoes and socks, House Raven, who wear black bikinis, House Ginger, who wear yellow, and House Blonde who sport dark blue bikinis.
Throughout Junior Academy the violence level is minimum, and the girls will spend most of their time in scrimmage fights against girls in their own house, though some Inter House tournaments and bouts do begin to take place among the Juniors and Seniors towards the end of each Academic year.
The most violent of these are the "Senior Graduation Squad Fights." As soon as a girl turns 18, she is eligible to move on to the fabled Green Tower City Senior Fighting Academy, where she will continue on in the House of her respective Hair Color for the next four years. Two things are required for her to gain entry: She must be between 18 and 19 years old, and she must defeat a member of a rival house in hand to hand combat.
Senior Academy is substantially different from Junior Academy. The biggest difference is that in Senior Academy there is ONLY Team fighting, whereas Junior Academy (which stands in for High School) offers a wide assortment of different types of fighting, and girls there can spend their 4 years learning Individual Combat Sports, or Tag Team combat sports with a partner. (There are options for additional training for these types of fighters, but they are operated by independent trainers, typically retired fighters themselves. In Senior Academy, there will still be plenty of training, but the young fighters who enter into their respective Houses will find their days mostly occupied with engaging in violent combat on the field against their hated enemies, and less time in the classroom learning specific techniques.
In springtime, as Junior Academy girls who wish to move on to Senior Academy begin to turn 18, they will start forming fighting squads, and as soon as they have five members they will head out to the "Battlefield" to fight an enemy squad from one of the other three houses. These fights take place at midnight in a remote field specifically designated for this purpose, and will be witnessed by 2 City Moderators who are 100% impartial and will simply observe the ensuing melee from a distance and NEVER interfere in the bouts.
Here, a squad from House Brunette is about to brawl with a squad from House Raven. The two teams will engage in a no holds barred no rules fight to the finish until members of only one House are still standing. Whichever members of the winning team are still conscious will collect the bikinis of any unconscious enemies that they themselves defeated and will present them to the Gatekeeper of their respective Senior House, at which point they will be indoctrinated into Senior Academy, given a warm welcome by their elder House Sisters. From this point on they will fight topless alongside their sisters, and swear an oath to NEVER to engage in combat with another girl of the same hair color.
Losers of both squads will be left laying on the field and throughout the next morning will crawl off towards the hospital to nurse their wounds Many of them will never fight again, but some will try once more, and they are free to do so until they have reached the age of 19. (Some simply go off and begin fighting on the independent pro circuit after this, which literally anyone over the age of 18 can do, but they will really have to fight hard to get over the stigma of being a "Battlefield Loser.")
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