Root For Brandi 1


Brandi is really looking like she’s in trouble.  Maybe you brought home the wrong opponent for her!  Nicole is sexy, but Brandi is still your wife, after all.

“Come on Brandi!  You got this!  You can take her!”

And with that Nicole gives her a NASTY knee to the crotch, lifting her off her feet for a second.

“UNGH!”  Brandi grunts in agony, wincing in pain.  She drops to her knees.  Your heart skips a beat. Nicole HAS her! 


OOOH  Brandi NAILED her in the crotch!  THAT’S your girl!  Nicole is staggering back, reaching down to protect her wounded womanhood. 


You see your wife take a huge gulp of air, her eyes wide.  She is struggling to get to her feet. She scored a savage crotch rake, but she is still pretty hurt herself.  The two girls pitch forward on their hands and knees and begin to circle slowly. 

Bring Nicole Home


“Hey baby, do you come here often?”

“Not often enough to have run into you yet, Sugar!  Hi there!”  With that the girl brushes your arm with her fingers and scoots ever so closer to you.   Your pants tighten ever so slightly.  This was easier than you thought.

Her name is Nicole.  She is 42 years old which is WAY older than you thought she was.  She EXUDES confidence and you suspect that not only is she a fighter herself, she probably already knows you are married or at least have a girlfriend, and seems more than willing to play along with the whole ruse.

Several drinks and about an hour later you are making out with her in your bed. She is in her bra and panties and is straddling you.  She reaches back to unhook her bra when Brandi walks in wearing nothing but her favorite heart print skivvies.


“Oh OH…Is THIS your wife?  HMPH!”  She snorts as she climbs off the bed and slowly approaches Brandi, adjusting the waistband of her black cotton panties as she moves.  Brandi glides slowly toward her a sneer of contempt twisting her face. Her eagerness to scrap is visible.  You have done well and will certainly be rewarded once her victory is achieved!  

“Your “husband” traded up, skank.  Do yourself a favor and get lost before I WASTE you.”

“I’LL KILL YOU!”  Brandi howls and the two women lunge forward and immediately begin to pummel each other.


It’s a furious fist fight!  Based on her stories you thought Brandi was the kind of woman who would quickly pummel any other woman unconscious quickly, but this Nicole chic is really a brawler.  You see the slightest shade of worry pass over your wife’s face, but then she launches a savage barrage of body blows that has the raven-haired bedroom invader staggering backwards, grunting in pain.

CRACK!!! But she NAILS Brandi with an open palm slap to the face.  Brandi staggers back.  Nicole lunges forward, her fists raised, beckoning.  Brandi shakes off the slap, raises her fists and the two women barrel back into another furious fist exchange.


They’re really going at it!  This round of fist fighting only lasts a couple seconds and suddenly they slap into each other and lock up in a desperate bearhug, each woman gasping for air.  You study your wife’s face carefully.  She looks scared and exhausted.  You look at Nicole and see much the same expression.  Neither of them expected this much of a fight.  They stagger around the room together in a drunken dance of desperation.  You want to cheer your wife on, but…. This Nicole chic… there’s something about her….




Goin to the Bar 1

 You head into the first bar you see, a little dive bar called Page One Bar.  Right away every head in the place (all female) turns to check you out as you walk in.  You are used to this.  In your entire life you’ve only encountered other dudes a handful of times. 

Sitting at the bar are four very attractive girls.  You check them out carefully.  You want to find someone who will present Brandi with a challenge, but you would also like to find someone she can beat.

Your choices are a black haired girl with a ponytail, a blonde with a ponytail and bangs, a girl with straight black hair and bangs, and a ginger with long hair.

Buy one of them a drink and strike up a conversation!




Brandi the Wife


Your wife Brandi is bored.  Not too long ago you were laying in bed watching late night television when a movie about Women Wrestlers came on.  The movie turned both of you on and since then she has been constantly reminiscing about fights she had in high school and how much it always turned her on to knock out another girl and take her boyfriend.   She told you she has an idea for something she wants to do in the bedroom called “The Badger Game.”  (In the old days this was actually a way to extort money from people, but she has a completely different twist to it.)

Basically, she wants you to go out into the city and try to pick up “some bimbo.”  You are to bring this woman back home, get her in bed, and get her down to her underwear.  At that point Brandi will storm in, also dressed for fighting, and she will have a good ole time beating the shit out of whoever this slut is that you have brought home.  You will have a good ole time watching the fight, and then you can celebrate her victory all through the night with the unconscious bitch laying on spread eagled on the floor at the foot of the bed.

This idea is extremely exciting to you, and you can’t wait to get started.  Luckily you and your wife live in a lively partying College Town and there are sexy horny 20 something year old girls  EVERYWHERE who are just spoiling to brawl and since you happen to be one of the very few men left on the planet, pretty much any one of them would be happy to take on your wife for the right to fuck you.





Bedroom Brawling Wife


First, pick which of these women you would like to be married to, and click on her name to begin the adventure. 



You da MAN!

 You da MAN!

OVERVIEW:  In this series, you can explore various story outcomes where you basically play the role of Green Tower City's one and only male resident, who all the women will fight over to get into bed with. 

Pick whichever scenario most interests you and follow the possible pathways. 

These stories are going to be VERY stripped down versions of my "Choose Your Own Catfight Adventure" concept, but with you just playing the role of the spectator. 


Bedroom Brawling Wife

(Synopsis:  You are happily married.  Your wife desperately wants to scrap with another woman over you and it is your job to find her n opponent who will present a challenge but that she will be able to defeat.) 

Monique vs. Stephanie 1

 Dormitory Delinquents

So here's how it all started.  

Monique was my main girlfriend through most of High School.  I liked her a lot and we were good together but I was always a bit alarmed by her intense jealousy of other girls.  She would challenge ANY girl that even talked me to an after school fist fight, that she almost always won.  And this happened a lot, since there were only THREE males in our school, and about 300 females, and though I am by no means particularly handsome, I was arguably the best of the three options available so it stood to reason that girls were CONSTANTLY flirting with me, which Monique seemed to thrive on, because I think she was turned on ALMOST as much by fist fighting with other girls as she was by sex with me. 

She did lose a few fights, and from time to time I  would find myself with a brand new girl ("Traded Up" as the expression goes) but the courtships were always short lived. Within a few weeks a fully healed and ENRAGED Monique always demanded a rematch and won BRUTALLY every time, and so decidedly that the losing girl would NEVER challenge her again, if in fact she did not just disappear from our school district entirely by the next day.  

But then, there was this one time. 

It was Senior Prom. In a couple weeks we would all be graduating.  There would be one CRAZY summer (which I will describe in subsequent entries) and then many of us would be off to college.  Monique and I, still in love, had been accepted to the same college and were planning on staying together.  Monique was excited because the town we would be moving to for school had a TON of underground fighting venues that she was DYING to get into.  If you haven't figured out by now, Monique LOVED fighting, and had ambitions to become a professional fighter.  The thing is,  (and I knew this even if she didn't) she may have been a decent little scrapper in our tiny little country home town, but outside of it...well, honestly I wasn't sure. 

So, like I said before, it was Senior Prom.   My buddy Greg had surprised everyone by showing up with a SMOKING gorgeous red haired girl from someplace far away, though it was soon revealed she was in fact his cousin, and was only here to check out the scenery and visit her distant relations, (not to mention do poor Greg a favor, who couldn't even get a date to the Senior Prom in a school where women outnumbered men 300 to 1.)  So this girl, Stephanie.  Oh my God I couldn't take my eyes off her, and it seemed like she couldn't take hers off me.  Monique noticed this pretty quick and the glaring at her potential rival began.  At one point I went up to get Monique and I another glass of punch and Stephanie, by some wild coincidence, just happened to need a refresher at the same time.  She literally bumped her perfect round ass into my hip as I was reaching to fill my glass. 

"Hey there, Tiger.  Is that really your girlfriend?  You could do way better than her."  All of a sudden Monique was standing there. 

"That's my boyfriend you're talking to." 

"Oh gee I'm sorry.  He seemed way too attractive for you.  I assumed you were his sister." 

That was when they began to circle.  A crowd gathered around the punchbowl, but to begin fighting in here was guaranteed trouble so they went to the parking lot, (as was the custom) stripped down to their bras and panties (as was the custom) a crowd of kids gathered around them (as was the custom) and after a long tension filled stand off they began pummeling each other.  Monique was out cold on the pavement within 2 minutes and I rewarded Stephanie in a clearing under the full moon in the woods behind the high school.  I feel bad to admit it, but it was WAY better than any sex I had ever had with Monique. Stephanie and I laid in each other's arms in the clearing in the forest until morning, when the sunlight and the chirping birds woke us up.  It was like some kind of fantastic dream.  We celebrated her victory once more, then she kissed me in the morning glare and disappeared into it.  I napped naked for a few hours, then went home. Best. Senior. Prom. Ever.

Monique got out of the hospital about a week later.  She swiftly beat down whatever skank I had been bedding down with (I honestly can't even remember) and for the rest of the summer we....well, again that's another story.  The Senior Prom "Incident" was NEVER mentioned, and I felt it was better to just not bring it up. 

The first day of college approached fast, and before we knew it, it was move in day.  Dorms were still separated by gender, but our buildings were nearby and we figured we would be able to spend the night together pretty much all the time without much trouble. I went with her to get her room assignment. 

I couldn't believe who her assigned roommate was.  STEPHANIE!

House Raven vs. House Brunette


In the violent world of Green Tower City, combat sports are EVERYTHING.  Any girl who wants to be a fighter when she grows up typically enters into Junior Academy the year she turns 14.  Here she will learn all sorts of fighting styles and techniques, and if she chooses to go into "Team Combat Sports" she will be placed in one of four Houses.  These four houses are House Brunette, who all wear red bikinis, white shoes and socks, House Raven, who wear black bikinis, House Ginger, who wear yellow, and House Blonde who sport dark blue bikinis. 

Throughout Junior Academy the violence level is minimum, and the girls will spend most of their time in scrimmage fights against girls in their own house, though some Inter House tournaments and bouts do begin to take place among the Juniors and Seniors towards the end of each Academic year.  

The most violent of these are the "Senior Graduation Squad Fights."  As soon as a girl turns 18, she is eligible to move on to the fabled Green Tower City Senior Fighting Academy, where she will continue on in the House of her respective Hair Color for the next four years. Two things are required for her to gain entry:  She must be between 18 and 19 years old, and she must defeat a member of a rival house in hand to hand combat. 

Senior Academy is substantially different from Junior Academy.  The biggest difference is that in Senior Academy there is ONLY Team fighting, whereas Junior Academy (which stands in for High School) offers a wide assortment of different types of fighting, and girls there can spend their 4 years learning Individual Combat Sports, or Tag Team combat sports with a partner.  (There are options for additional training for these types of fighters, but they are operated by independent trainers, typically retired fighters themselves.    In Senior Academy, there will still be plenty of training, but the young fighters who enter into their respective Houses will find their days mostly occupied with engaging in violent combat on the field against their hated enemies, and less time in the classroom learning specific techniques.  

In springtime, as Junior Academy girls who wish to move on to Senior Academy begin to turn 18, they will start forming fighting squads, and as soon as they have five members they will head out to the "Battlefield" to fight an enemy squad from one of the other three houses.  These fights take place at midnight in a remote field specifically designated for this purpose, and will be witnessed by 2 City Moderators who are 100% impartial and will simply observe the ensuing melee from a distance and NEVER interfere in the bouts. 

Here, a squad from House Brunette is about to brawl with a squad from House Raven.  The two teams will engage in a no holds barred no rules fight to the finish until members of only one House are still standing.  Whichever members of the winning team are still conscious will collect the bikinis of any unconscious enemies that they themselves defeated and will present them to the Gatekeeper of their respective Senior House, at which point they will be indoctrinated into Senior Academy, given a warm welcome by their elder House Sisters.  From this point on they will fight topless alongside their sisters, and swear an oath to NEVER to engage in combat with another girl of the same hair color.  

Losers of both squads will be left laying on the field and throughout the next morning will crawl off towards the hospital to nurse their wounds  Many of them will never fight again, but some will try once more, and they are free to do so until they have reached the age of 19.   (Some simply go off and begin fighting on the independent pro circuit after this, which literally anyone over the age of 18 can do, but they will really have to fight hard to get over the stigma of being a "Battlefield Loser.") 

Danielle vs. Yumi


When I wake up I find my girlfriend Danielle straddling me in bed.  She is already wearing her black fighting bikini, and is visibly excited.  

"Come on, get up lazybones!  I wanna go FIGHT!!!"  I know she is on the brink of losing her mind with boredom. Back in New Australia, where she is from, there was never any loss for a decent challenger, either in the ring or in the bedroom, but so far here in Harbor City she has yet to meet anyone near her caliber and we've been here for three days now.  Just last night she emerged victorious from a NASTY 4 way brawl at the infamous Harbor City Death Cage and it was so easy she had me go out and find her a bedroom challenger (who she also defeated with ease.) Speaking of which.

"Hey babe, I think she needs to go to the hospital."  I point at an unconscious girl laying face down on the floor at the foot of our bed.  She is wearing ballerina gear so is apparently from the so called "Fighting Ballerina" academy down the street from our hotel.  She stormed in here, thinking she was tough enough to claim me from Danielle.  She was wrong.     

"Ugh."  Danielle grunts.  "I suppose I don't want to go to prison for murdering this worthless slag.  You get breakfast ready, I'll take the trash out."  With that she snags one of the ballerina's feet and drags her straight out the door.  I see her pass by the window on her way to the curb.  Once there, she hoists the knocked out female up onto a pile of garbage bags and leaves her there face down, slumped over the trash.  She takes a moment to strike a victory pose in the early morning sunshine, placing a foot on the ballerina's back and flexing her muscles in case any other  women are around and may be thinking about challenging her.  No such challenger's emerge and she walks slowly back into the room.  Within an hour or so a hospital runner will have scooped up the defeated dancer and she will wake up in a few days in  hospital bed, broken and humiliated.  Perhaps she will train harder and become a better fighter, perhaps she will never be heard from again. She may even come looking for revenge someday.  I've seen it all before.

After breakfast and showers, Danielle is extremely anxious to go find another bout, so I consult with my robot companion, Doctor Green, and he says a place called KO Korner is already open for fighting business, so we could head over there for the day. 

"Do they have death matches?!?"  Danielle excitedly enquires. 

"Knockouts only, I'm afraid.  Hmmmm, maybe that has something to do with the nomenclature of the establishment?" 

"Watch it computer brain."  Danielle says menacingly.  I just laugh to myself.  My girlfriend may not realize it but my mechanical sidekick is in absolutely NO danger from her, no matter how good a fighter she is.  He is a robot after all.  Well, more accurately a cyborg, since he does possess a human brain, not to mention that brain's sense of humor. There is no human on Earth that can damage him. 

Danielle is disappointed she will not be able to add to her trophy collection, but she still wants to fight so we head towards KO Korner, which is several blocks from our Hotel, in a much dingier looking part of the city than we've seen before.  KO Korner is in a small black of very abandoned looking storefronts, and is one of only 2 establishments in the area actually open for business.  Doctor Green has, as usual, alerted the management of our desire to check out the place, and the management is more than accommodating, as our presence assures a sold out house for the remainder of the day. 

The set up here is quite unique, and in all the many fighting establishments Danielle has dragged me into since she turned 18 last year, I've never seen anything quite like this.  Spectators pay 25 credits to get into the place, which allows them to stay here all day watching the fights from outside a caged in area.  If they pay 300 credits, they can watch the fights from inside the cage, and here's where it gets really interesting.  The fights themselves take place on a small raised platform in the center of the caged in area.  If a fighter is tossed or falls off the platform, the women lining the inside of the cage (Known as "The Wrecking Crew") are allowed to attack her.  Typically they do this by surrounding the hapless fighter and stomping her to a pup before moderators finally pull them off, which they will do only to prevent someone from being killed, as this is NOT a licensed death match venue. 

If this is how the fight ends, the winner will have a victory added to her pro record, but she will NOT receive the 500 credit victory prize.  To claim the money she must finish her foe off on the platform.  The Wrecking Crew  hates when this happens, and so does the management of the club. At least a couple times per day, both fighters will end up tumbling off the platform and into the clutches of The Wrecking Crew, much to the delight of all the spectators, who simply adore a good double stomping.  (And then KO Korner doesn't have to pay anybody.

The management of KO Korner is delighted to have us, and Danielle is escorted quickly to the waiting area while I am escorted to a private cage side viewing booth.  They ask me if I am willing to "reward" the winner of the bout, whoever that winner may end up being.  "Of course"  I respond.  (Though I am quietly pretty confident that the winner will be my girlfriend.  She is one savage fighter and I have yet to witness one of her rare losses.)

The loser of the last fight has just been dragged off by one house slave, and the blood (along with what looks like a a puddle of urine) has been mopped up by another.  The fighting platform is clean.  The loudspeaker crackles into life. 


A loud cheer goes up from the crowd. 


A mixed response goes up from the crowd.  Most have not heard of her, but a few either saw or at least heard of her victory in the 4 Way brawl at The HCDC last night.  She gives me a wink as she takes her place in the cage, and her introduction is completed. 


With the announcement of her impressive fighting record, a loud cheer goes up for my blonde warrior girl.  She seems unphased. 


The young Japanese girl gets a few cheers scattered amongst a lot of boos and hisses.  Apparently she is not one of the greatest fighters in the city. 


"WHO IS THIS PATHETIC WHITE YELLOW HAIR BITCH?"  She cries out upon entering the cage.  "I WANTED A FIGHT!"

Danielle just sneers at her silently.  My pants tighten ever so slightly as I wait for the bell to ring. Judging by their respective fighting records, I suspect this will NOT be much of a challenge form my blonde bruiser. 


"YES"  Both girls call out enthusiastically.


They don't have long to wait.